Healthy Habits: Be a Fat Burner!
If you knew that by using one particular fuel in your automobile's engine your automobile engine's usable lifespan would increase by 30 percent would you use that particular fuel?
Of course, you would! Then do the same for your precious, one and only body!
Burning The Most Efficient Fuel In Our Cells Is One of the Keys to Long Term Health
Human bodies can be likened to cars. Consider what would happen to the gasoline engine of an automobile if you were to fill the fuel tank with an inappropriate fuel such as diesel or high octane, aviation fuel?
You can correctly predict that the engine would be damaged much more quickly and not last as long as it could have.
It’s the same with the cells of your body. They are designed to efficiently burn fat. And if they don’t burn that most appropriate kind of fuel, namely, fat, they will be damaged much sooner than if the best fuel had been burned.
Correct Fuel Is Important for the Long Life of Both Cars and People! Human cells obtain four things from food, namely, water, fiber, nutrition, and fuel:
Water-rich foods are best. In some places, people get most of their water from food.
Fiber is what keeps our gastrointestinal tract clean and slows the transit of food so that our digestion can extract every possible bit of nutrition.
Nutrients (minerals, vitamins, protein amino acids, glyconutrients, etc.) are used to maintain cell structure and cellular processes. We discuss these elsewhere.
Fuel is burned in the mitochondria in the presence of oxygen. Fuel is what makes energy in our mitochondria so that we can live and function. There are mainly two types of fuel, fat or sugar. Protein and carbohydrates can be broken down into sugar and burned as sugar. Fat can be converted into ketones and burned, but to make it simple, fuel is fat or sugar.
Fuel gives human cells the ability to make energy with which to function, think and move.
FAT is the optimum fuel that our mitochondria should primarily burn in our bodies to make the energy to live because burning fat for energy does much less damage to our bodies than does burning sugar.
Therefore, establishing habits that will ensure that the cells of your body primarily burn fat is something that enables a longer and healthier life.
Ron Rosedale
Ron Rosedale is an Internationally known expert in nutritional and metabolic medicine whose work with diabetics is truly groundbreaking. Very few physicians have had such consistent success in helping diabetics to eliminate or reduce their need for insulin and to reduce heart disease-both without drugs or surgery. Dr. Rosedale was the founder of the Rosedale Center, co-founder of the Colorado Center for Metabolic Medicine (Boulder, CO USA), and founder of the Carolina Center of Metabolic Medicine (Asheville, NC). Through these centers, he has helped thousands suffering from so-called incurable diseases to regain their health. One of Dr. Rosedale's life goals is to wipe out type II diabetes in this country as a model for the world. He also has written a book, "The Rosedale Diet", covering his proven treatment methods for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, and other chronic diseases of aging.
What If My Body is in the Unhealthy Sugar Burning Mode?
Most people don't choose to be in a sugar-burning body on purpose, but nevertheless, become sugar burners because of their lack of knowledge regarding how food choices determine the metabolic mode of their bodies. If your body operates in the sugar burning mode, this is what you'll get:
You'll likely live 10 or more years less than you could have lived.
You'll eventually experience significant difficulty in remembering things. This is because your brain tissue will cross-link with sugar, making it impossible to retrieve your memories. You may experience Alzheimer's.
You'll eventually lose a great deal of your muscle tone and bone density. This happens because while you're sleeping, your body will dismantle proteins to make sugar to keep your heart beating.
You'll eventually experience high blood sugar and its hosts of unhappy challenges — cardiovascular disease, joint stiffness, kidney disease, etc.
You'll be more prone to addictive behavior because your Hypothalamus will constantly be stressed (see below) and will seek to remedy this stress through other stimuli.
You'll eventually become overweight (unless you constantly diet or exercise).
You'll be irritable if you miss a meal.
What If My Body is in the Healthy Fat Burning Mode?
Being in a fat-burning body is a great situation, and most likely it means that you're either very young or very wise and that you understand how food choices affect metabolic mode. Being a fat burner isn't common in our modern world. So, you are somewhat unique.
You'll likely live 10 or more years longer than most people.
Your brain will function better and, especially, your memory will remain sharp all your years of life. This is because your brain tissue will NOT cross-link with sugar, making your memories irretrievable. You will NOT experience Alzheimer's.
You'll your muscle tone and bone density because your body will burn fat at night while you're asleep instead of your muscles and bones.
You will be less likely to experience high blood sugar and its hosts of unhappy challenges — cardiovascular disease, joint stiffness, kidney disease, etc.
You'll be less prone to addictive behavior because your Hypothalamus will NOT be constantly stressed through fluctuating Leptin levels
You will NOT be prone to weight gain.
You'll NOT be irritable if you miss a meal because your body's cells will continue to burn fat even if your blood sugar is low.