Silver Biotics

from $8.62

Powerful silver oxide molecules can deactivate any pathogen with which they have contact, making them one of the most powerful tools any household can have for stopping infections, internally or externally. They come in many format: liquid, sprays, lozenges, tooth gels and lotions.

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Powerful silver oxide molecules can deactivate any pathogen with which they have contact, making them one of the most powerful tools any household can have for stopping infections, internally or externally. They come in many format: liquid, sprays, lozenges, tooth gels and lotions.

Powerful silver oxide molecules can deactivate any pathogen with which they have contact, making them one of the most powerful tools any household can have for stopping infections, internally or externally. They come in many format: liquid, sprays, lozenges, tooth gels and lotions.

Do Bacteria, Fungi, and Viruses Scare You? They should!!

… because they are responsible for more suffering in this world than any other single cause. In fact, when you are feeling particularly bad, it's usually the result of microorganisms taking hold of your body.

Thankfully, Silver Biotics products, that utilize the amazing and patented Ag4O4 pathogen killing molecule, give mankind a path to avoid suffering from these tiny villains. American Biotech Labs (ABL) Silver Biotics products, also known as Silver Sol and ASAP silver products, are completely different and much more effective and safer than colloids or ionic silver solution type products. In just 15 seconds of contact time, American Biotech Labs products destroy 80% of pathogenic microorganisms that they touch, and in 6 minutes, virtually 100%.

Unlike other companies, our nanosized silver products have been thoroughly tested for more than a decade (with more than 200 studies and more than 10,000 laboratory tests) and have proven to be safe and effective. ABL’s patented silver molecule products truly help people to gain the upper hand against the tiny destroyers of health called pathogens. With these products, you can forget your fear of missing work or other important events or of feeling miserable when you could be feeling great.

You and your family’s health deserve real, proven solutions. Harmful microorganisms are able to wreak a special kind of havoc on humans. Ask anyone who has experienced Lyme disease, malaria, black mold, Epstein-Barr, flesh-eating bacteria, pneumonia, severe herpes, flu, or even just a persistent cold about the amount of suffering caused by pathogens. Very often, back pain, stomach pain, sinus pain, sore throats, and headaches are the result of unrecognized assaults on our tissues by viruses, bacteria, or fungi. That is why Silver Biotics can be one of your best friends in life… by helping you feel your best always.

Insidious auto-immune diseases also often have their roots in chronic viral or bacterial infection. And, amazingly, even with doctors’ and nurses’ full attention and all available modern antibiotics, over 18,000 people a year die because of hospital-contracted MRSA bacteria which have developed resistance to antibiotics. Fortunately, ABL’s patented silver molecule is capable to help the human body to overcome virtually all pathogens, including viruses that antibiotics can’t touch. With Silver Sol technology available in Silver Biotics, Silver Biotics Gel, and Pet Shield, both you and your pets can stay relatively untouched by the small microorganisms that are behind so much human suffering.

Thankfully, Silver Sol has been shown in several studies to NOT kill friendly bacteria and not inhibit their growth in the slightest. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about bowel changes or getting a yeast infection by causing gut flora (good bacteria) to die off, as you do with antibiotics. So, even if Silver Biotics products only help one avoid flu and colds (not to mention Lymes, flesh-eating bacteria, etc.) they are well worth using. Please keep perusing our web site to learn more.

We all need to be aware of the power of tiny pathogens!

Pathogenic microorganisms cause human suffering — not only through infections, colds, and flu, but also through degenerative diseases that develop when harmful microorganisms live in the body at low enough levels to go unnoticed, but sufficient to cause tissue damage. Autoimmune disease, cancer, and coronary heart disease have ALL been shown to result from microorganisms living chronically in the body and causing both direct and inflammatory damage to tissue from endotoxins (endotoxins means the excrements of bacteria). Also, very often, back pain, abdominal pain, and headaches are the results of toxins released as one’s immune system kills off microorganisms that are trying to gain a greater foothold in the body. So, it’s a wise habit to take Silver Biotics regularly and maintain a healthier, “feel-well” body. And, at the first sign of a sinus tickle, sore throat, cough, or headache, take Silver Biotics to help quickly put an end to it. With numerous safety studies showing complete safety, and additional studies showing that friendly bacteria are unaffected by Silver Biotics (not even their growth rate is reduced) there is no downside to Silver Sol/Biotics use… but, rather only a terrific upside. We invite you to get a free book about our silver molecule entitled Silver: Nature’s Natural Healer. Nothing helps makes a “germ-free” life more of a reality than Silver Biotics

Silver Biotics (nanosized silver products) is the latest generation, highly researched, non-toxic, safe product for use in fighting virtually all pathogenic microorganisms. They are a must-have for every medicine cabinet and lifestyle. 

Warning and Disclaimer:

Please consult a medical professional in regard to your medical conditions and needs. Any descriptions of scientific research, product use or other information found on this website are given only as starting points for further thought and research into nanosized silver solution technology and potential benefits. You are encouraged to discuss this information with your licensed health care provider. Anyone who relies on this website information in lieu of consultation with a health professional does so at potentially grave risk. Scientific data (that may be mentioned on this site) is always changing. Also, there are dangers inherent in virtually any health situation that need to be evaluated by your health care professional who prescribes according to your unique situation. The biggest danger in self-diagnosing and self-treatment is the delay that may result in getting “the most effective treatment” for your unique body and particular situation. Your licensed healthcare provider is the one who needs to be trusted to evaluate and recommend according to your uniqueness and the seriousness of your health needs. Although American Biotech Labs products have been shown to be both safe and effective in killing microorganisms, there may be much more that needs to be considered in any particular person’s health situation. Be advised. Be smart and seek licensed medical help.

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