
Sale Price:$27.95 Original Price:$39.95

BIO-tract® (enteric coating) technology allows these probiotics (friendly bacteria) to reach the intestines, undamaged, in order to improve immune and bowel function. No refrigeration needed. Choose good tasting chewables for kids, or easy to swallow caplets for adults.

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BIO-tract® (enteric coating) technology allows these probiotics (friendly bacteria) to reach the intestines, undamaged, in order to improve immune and bowel function. No refrigeration needed. Choose good tasting chewables for kids, or easy to swallow caplets for adults.

BIO-tract® (enteric coating) technology allows these probiotics (friendly bacteria) to reach the intestines, undamaged, in order to improve immune and bowel function. No refrigeration needed. Choose good tasting chewables for kids, or easy to swallow caplets for adults.

Probiotics- Experts Declare That You Need 4+ Pounds of These Friendly Bacteria Inside You!

Many wellness experts teach that the SINGLE MOST important health practice one can have is to ensure that one’s intestines are well stocked with protective, cleansing, energy, and health-promoting probiotic bacteria, i.e. friendly bacteria.

  • Friendly bacteria resist the growth of pathogenic bacteria (much like having a lawn that is growing ample amounts of grass helps prevent weeds from starting to grow, by occupying all the soil space).

  • Friendly bacteria also function to turn our wastes into beneficial chemicals that are reabsorbed into our bodies and that improve our health.

  • A healthy human colon should contain approximately four pounds of friendly bacteria — i.e. probiotics.

The Importance of External Sanitation - from a Historical Perspective

Historically, how people take care of their sewage and garbage (which is the main source of pathogenic bacteria) is the single most important element in the overall physical health of a given population. Poor sanitation is what caused health plagues of the past.

Internal Sanitation - the Final Frontier!

Scientists today are beginning to focus on internal sanitation. This is one of the great new frontiers of health. The most important issue about intestinal sanitation is to make sure that you have a minimum ratio of friendly bacteria to harmful bacteria of at least 80% friendly bacteria to 20% harmful bacteria. Unfortunately, in many people, this ratio is reversed, with the result that large amounts of harmful chemicals produced by pathogens are constantly entering the bloodstream and toxifying the body.

Pathogens Inside Us Are Far More Dangerous Than Those Outside Us

Bacterial infections once emptied European cities. Factually, pathogenic bacteria have caused more human deaths and suffering than all other causes of death combined. What ended the plagues of the past and what keeps those plagues from returning now is public or external sanitation. Sanitation is simply the control/reduction of harmful microorganisms in our living areas, and it consists of the following:

  1. Keeping animal and human fecal matter far from us.

  2. Ensuring that drinking water is not contaminated with sewage.

  3. Washing hands after toilet visits.

The above three things are called external sanitation because they take place outside our bodies.

Internal sanitation or the control of harmful microorganisms inside our bodies is a newer frontier in human health. We have three ways to help control/reduce bacteria inside the body. They are:

  1. Antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria inside us. This has been a godsend to humanity. The problem with antibiotics, however, is that they kill friendly bacteria as well as pathogens, and friendly bacteria take longer to regrow than pathogens.

  2. Natural pathogen killers that kill pathogens, but don’t kill probiotics. These would be nanosized silver products and tea tree oil concentrates.

  3. Antibiotics cannot win the long-term fight against pathogenic bacteria because they cannot “hold the territory”. The long-term fight against pathogens can only be won with probiotics that will colonize the gut.

What Are Probiotics?

Probiotics are beneficial, rather than harmful, bacteria. People in the past have typically eaten probiotics in the form of fermented foods such as kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, or kimchi. Today, it is possible to consume probiotics in supplement (pill) form.

  1. Probiotics (friendly bacteria) benefit our health by producing beneficial nutrients — they actually “eat” our gastrointestinal wastes and convert those wastes into numerous beneficial chemicals, especially B-Vitamins and Vitamin K2, functioning like afterburners on a jet engine.

  2. Also, probiotics directly compete against pathogenic bacteria for living space inside us, thus crowding them out. This latter benefit is obtained similarly as we get beautiful lawns by planting and growing desirable grass seeds in all the available lawn space so that there is no space for weeds to get a foothold. Likewise, in regard to intestinal microorganisms, we want to keep our intestinal tract so populated with the good bacteria that pathogenic bacteria don’t have a place to implant and grow.

We invite you to learn about the different species of probiotics in our Probiotic supplement — described in the left-hand column.

The Benefits Obtained From Probiotics

Again, the two most important things that probiotics do are to eat our wastes converting them into beneficial chemicals, and, also, they “occupy” the space in the intestines, so that pathogenic bacteria and fungi have no space in which to implant.

More specifically, all of the following benefits have been shown through one or more studies to result from the consumption of probiotics:

  • Enhanced immune system response

  • Reduced negative effects of taking many types of antibiotics

  • Assisted in preventing and treating colon inflammation following surgery

  • Helped to prevent eczema in youth

  • Increased ability to digest food

  • Therapeutic effect for viral respiratory tract infections by enhancing the overall immune system

  • Reduced lactose intolerance

  • Reduced incidence of yeast infections, vaginitis, and candidiasis

  • Increased ability to assimilate the nutrients from food

  • Alleviated many common digestive disorders such as constipation, diarrhea, and IBS

  • Acted as a remedy for bad breath (halitosis)

  • Increased ability to synthesize B Vitamins and Vitamin K

  • Increased ability to absorb calcium

  • Promoted anti-tumor and anticancer activity in the body

What Are Adequate Amounts of Probiotics?

Ensuring adequate amounts of probiotics is an important health habit. The single best way to ensure you have enough probiotics in you is to take enough probiotics each day that you don’t have intestinal gas. If your intestines are “speaking” to you, they are saying, “Probiotics, please!”

Why Do You Need to Keep Consuming Probiotics?

Friendly bacteria are easily killed by many things, including:

  • Dental Metals

  • Antibiotics

  • Garlic

  • Chlorine

  • Fluorine

  • Pesticides

  • Herbicides

  • Drugs

  • Birth Control Pills

  • Stress

  • Alcohol

Most people either have dental metals in their mouth, or drink and bathe in chlorinated water, or are full of pesticides, etc. Therefore, most people need to almost continuously consume probiotics in order to maintain the four pounds of probiotics in your body that you need to stay optimally healthy. Cleansing Enzymes and Seven Essentials will help you maintain your probiotics, but periodically, your body could use the extra help of our Probiotic supplement.

Our probiotic supplement utilizes BIO-tract® delivery technology that not only protects probiotic organisms from stomach acid on their way to the intestinal tract but also optimizes the release into the gut of probiotics organisms and probiotic growth accelerating Fructo-oligosaccharides.

Cited Probiotic Research and Further Probiotic Study References:

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