Memories With Seanol

Sale Price:$66.50 Original Price:$75.00

Memories is a stellar product for improving brain tissue integrity, including improving damaged brain tissue and improving brain chemistry.

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Memories is a stellar product for improving brain tissue integrity, including improving damaged brain tissue and improving brain chemistry.

Memories is a stellar product for improving brain tissue integrity, including improving damaged brain tissue and improving brain chemistry.

Memories — helps you retain the most important part of a Happy Life!

Without a good memory, one's enjoyment of life is considerably lessened. This product provides numerous proven nutritional advantages to the brain tissues so that you can enjoy life to the fullest as the years go by.

  • Designed by doctors, after consulting research data showing which ingredients made the most significant difference in learning ability and memory recall.

  • Rather than focusing on just one ingredient of brain function, Memories provides numerous ingredients of brain nutrition in a balanced format.

  • While most brain and memory formulations seek to have amazing-looking labels by including seldom heard of ingredients, Memories includes those ingredients that actually make the most difference, and includes significant amounts (enough to actually help).

  • Our formulation foments the change you want in how well you remember. You will notice the difference in your ability to access memories (especially short-term memories) after only a few days of supplementation.

N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine (as hydrochloride)

N-Acetyl L Carnitine has been found to improve memory, word recall, and visuospatial deficits in cognitively impaired, individuals. In placebo-controlled trials, it was found that these benefits continued to increase for up to six months. Research findings show that N-Acetyl L-Carnitine stabilizes nerve cell membranes, stimulates the synthesis of acetylcholine, and increases the efficiency of mitochondrial energy production.

Bacopin® Bacopa Extract (leaf) (20% bacosides A+B)

Bacopa monnieri is an ancient herb used in Ayurvedic medicine to enhance brain function. Several studies have found that Bacopa monnieri supplements can speed up information processing in your brain, reduce reaction times and improve memory.

DMAE (as Dimethyl Amino Ethanol Bitartrate)

Dimethyl Amino Ethanol Bitartrate (DMAE) is a compound that affects mood, enhances memory, and supports brain function. DMAE is produced in the body and can also be found in fish, such as salmon, sardines, and anchovies.

  • DMAE is believed to help increase the production of acetylcholine (Ach), a neurotransmitter that’s crucial for helping nerve cells send signals.

  • DMAE is believed to help prevent the buildup of a substance called beta-amyloid in the brain. Too much beta-amyloid has been linked to age-related decline and memory loss

Glycerylphosphorylcholine (as Alpha GPC

Both Alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine (Alpha-GPC) supplementation has been shown to help improve mental and physical performance. Alpha-GPC administration increases the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and facilitates learning and memory. The effect is long-lasting (up to 30 hours after taking).

Phosphatidyl Serine

Phosphatidylserine is shown to help prevent memory loss and mental decline that may occur as you get older. Several studies suggest that it may boost brainpower. People who took the supplement scored higher on short-term memory, mood, and concentration tests.

Huperzine A

Huperzine A works to help improve the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. Using double-blind and matched pair study methods, 34 pairs of junior middle school students complaining of memory inadequacy were divided into two groups by normal psychological health inventory (PHI), similar memory quotient (MQ), same-sex, and class. The Huperzine group was administrated orally 2 capsules of Hup (each contains Hup 50 micrograms) and the placebo group was given 2 capsules of placebo (starch and lactose inside) for 4 weeks. At the end of the trial, the Huperzine group's measure quotient scores were nearly ten percent higher and the test scores were markedly higher as well.

Gotu Kola Extract (aerial)

Gotu kola may have the ability to enhance memory and nerve function, which gives it the potential in helping people with Alzheimer's disease.

  • A 2012 study on mice found that Gotu kola extract had a positive effect on behavioral abnormalities in mice with Alzheimer's disease.

  • An animal study done in 2016 found that Gotu kola had an anti-anxiety effect on male mice that were sleep deprived for 72 hours. Mice that were given Gotu kola for five consecutive days before undergoing sleep deprivation experienced significantly less anxiety-like behavior. They also experienced improved locomotor activity and less oxidative damage.

Ginkgo Extract, 24/6 (leaf)

Ginkgo extract stopped has been found in some studies to help significantly with memory and brain function. However, other studies found that these benefits did not last long once supplementation was stopped. The nay-sayers say if the benefit doesn't last "why do it". The yay-sayers say they are willing to improve brain function even if they had to do something every day for their benefit. So, it isn't a magic pill with permanent benefits, but it does have significant science showing that it helps.

Guarana Seed Powder

Animal studies have shown that guarana can improve memory significantly. Although both guarana and ginseng improved memory and test performance, people who received guarana paid more attention to their tasks and completed them faster.

Ecklonia Cava Extract (Seanol)

  • Greatly Improved Blood Flow: Since Ecklonia Cava is fat-soluble, it has the capability to cross the blood-brain barrier and considerably improves blood flow to the brain. Increased blood flow improves memory. One study group found that Ecklonia Cava increased the rate of blood flow in the carotid artery (the main artery to the brain) from an average of 36.68 cm/ sec. to 40.09 cm/sec., while the placebo had no improvement.

  • Memory & Acetylcholine: Memory is related to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). In an animal study, ECE increased rodent acetylcholine by 140% in the brain regions responsible for learning and memory in just 7 days. Memory augmentation increased by 100-200% at a dose as low as 0.2-1mg/kg. With regard to mechanism, it is contemplation that Ecklonia Cava works by slightly inhibiting an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine called acetylcholinesterase. By inhibiting this enzyme, the availability and utilization of acetylcholine in the body would be enhanced.

  • Alertness: Another study establishes that Ecklonia Cava compounds prevented sleepiness in bus drivers and in high school students for the duration of daytime activities. This is also probably due to increased blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain.


  • Early research suggests that vinpocetine might enhance memory in healthy volunteers. Some studies showed that taking vinpocetine along with ginkgo appeared to improve short-term memory in healthy adults.

  • There is some evidence that vinpocetine might slightly reduce brain damage due to acute ischemic stroke. There have been only a few clinical studies investigating the use of vinpocetine for stroke, and most have been published in languages other than English.

  • Early research shows that taking vinpocetine for 2 weeks might reduce the number of times a person with bedwetting and urine control problems needs to urinate during the day or at night

  • In several countries, including Japan, Mexico, Russia, and many in Europe, vinpocetine is prescribed for the treatment of cognitive and circulatory brain disorders such as stroke and dementia. However, vinpocetine is not approved for any conditions in the United States and Canada.

Bioperine (Black Pepper Extract)

Studies have shown that piperine, the primary component in black pepper, can help improve brain function and lower depression symptoms.


It was recently published in a specialist neuroscience journal that calcium levels are a crucial factor in the specific cells in the brain that govern memory.

  • With a lack of calcium in these cells (as we get older), our memory starts to fail and it becomes harder to learn new things.

  • A paper published recently in a specialist neuroscience journal shows that a crucial factor is calcium levels in specific cells in the brain.

  • As we get older, our memory starts to fail and it becomes harder to learn new things. Calcium is a universal messenger of extracellular signals in a great variety of cells; it regulates several neuronal functions, such as neurotransmitter synthesis and release, neuronal excitability, phosphorylation, and so on.

  • Calcium enables learning, cognition, and the retention of memories.

  • Calcium plays a strong supporting role for your nervous system and other systems in the body. In the brain, calcium helps to improve cell structure and blood flow


Some studies show that a low level of serum phosphorus correlated with cerebral beta-amyloid deposition, even when after age, sex, apolipoprotein E ε4 genotype, and MMSE z-score were controlled for. It is possible that

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