Double Helix Water

Sale Price:$62.95 Original Price:$75.00

A breakthrough discovery in energy medicine and cellular nourishment and detoxification... this supplement consists of solid state, polar charged, double helix-forming water clusters (a fourth phase of water) that improve energy transmission throughout the body and into cells in a significant, new way.

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A breakthrough discovery in energy medicine and cellular nourishment and detoxification... this supplement consists of solid state, polar charged, double helix-forming water clusters (a fourth phase of water) that improve energy transmission throughout the body and into cells in a significant, new way.

A breakthrough discovery in energy medicine and cellular nourishment and detoxification... this supplement consists of solid state, polar charged, double helix-forming water clusters (a fourth phase of water) that improve energy transmission throughout the body and into cells in a significant, new way.

  • Double Helix Water is a new, high-tech supplement in the category known as energy medicine.

  • Is a significant breakthrough in restoring human function to its optimum capabilities by enabling energy to flow correctly through the body and its myriad of cells.

  • It repairs the body's Chi (Qi) pathways just by drinking or rubbing on the skin.

  • It helps inflammatory hot spots in the body to diminish by assisting inflammatory energy to flow away correctly.

  • And it helps soft-tissue pain resulting from those inflammatory hot spots to be rapidly alleviated.

  • The Double Helix Water supplement consists of polar charged, double helix, solid-state-at-room-temperature, water molecules suspended in highly purified water.

  • These molecules are believed to be the substance ("wiring") of which the subtle energy grid (meridians) of the human body is comprised.

  • It is also believed that these molecules enable subtle energy flow into and out of cells... creating balance among the cells of the body.

  • In other words, it is believed that this new phase of water (a solid-state at room temperature lines up (because of its polar charges to form conduits along which subtle energy travels.

  • Chinese healers have long believed in these meridians, or channels of energy, while Western scientists scoff because they were invisible to western methods of detection until discovered via Atomic Force Microscopes. Only with the advent of Atomic Force microscopes and incredible perseverance could they be discovered.

Double Helix Water and its Effect on the Subtle Energy Circuity of the Human Body

Double-Helix Water™ is the result of intensive studies during the last 15 years into the peculiar properties of highly charged, polar, solid-state water particles and their effect upon the electrical circuitry within the body called meridians.

Eastern medicine believes that correcting the flow of energy through the meridian pathways is vital to having optimum wellness, and in overcoming injuries, pain, inflammation, and lowered function in any part of the body. Double Helix Water is now the fastest and simplest way to heal the body’s meridians.

The inventors of Double Helix Water, David L. Gann, and Shui-yin Lo, have written a fascinating book about this discovery and why they believe that Double Helix Water is the substance of which the energy matrix of the human body is comprised. Chinese healers have long been aware of the human body’s energy grid, matrix, or subtle-energy meridians, as it is variously known, and have mapped them extensively, and also learned how to fix damaged meridians with acupressure, acupuncture, homeopathic remedies, and herbs... while Western scientists have simply scoffed.

Double Helix Water — What it is and How It Works?

Let’s begin with what it’s not. You may have heard of Kangen water or structured water, Ellis water with the angles of its molecular bonds changed, distilled or de-ionized water, or energy-infused water. Double Helix Water is none of these.

Double Helix Water isn’t treated in any such way. Instead, it is made by applying electrical pressure that surrounds a charged particle to convert ultra-pure water into stable water clusters, creating millions of stable water complexes that have a 7.0 ph and no electrical conductivity. These solid-state water clusters behave entirely differently from ice, liquid water, or water vapor. It is the fourth phase of water, where the space doesn’t change as the temperature changes. It defies the historical classification of water.

Double Helix Water is composed of stable water clusters that, when present in water, combine into Double Helix structures, similar in shape to DNA. These clusters can form the "wiring" of subtle energy meridians along which qi (chi) energy moves in the body. Also, these clusters help DNA, cell membranes, and immune cells to function optimally.

You might wonder why this phase of water has never been discovered before?

  • The fact is, it couldn’t have been found without the advent of the Atomic Force Microscope, which can view the world of atoms.

  • To further complicate the matter, finding this tiny particle in a drop of water is like finding one blade of grass that’s being swirled around in a tornado.

As the researchers began photographing this stable water cluster, they saw it attach to a bacterium and cause it to die. (Black and White Photo)

Because of this phenomenon, Dr. Benjamin Bonavida did a series of studies at UCLA where they first looked at any possible effect of Stable Water Clusters on the Immune System. To read an explanation of that first study click here.

Current research indicates that the stable water cluster in Double Helix Water somehow exerts its effects at the gene level.

If this is correct it could be said that it helps the DNA perform the job it’s intended to do. Double Helix Water is likely the most natural product ever found. It enhances and supports life and it tastes just like water!

How Double Helix Water Works

In order to be truly healthy, we need to not only look at a problem or sickness on the outside but need to peel back layers and layers and go deep inside the body to find the root causes.

  • We need to heal from the inside out.

  • Illness is never simply one discrete process or dysfunction.

  • It is a bundle—a patient’s whole life, from genetics to beliefs and how those influences are layered to create the thing we call disease

  • Fortunately for us, the body knows how to heal if we remove the impediments and provide the body with the proper tools and necessities it needs.

Start at the Foundation – The Cellular Level and Double Helix Water

The nature of water is to create a dipole with a positive and negative region and 8 of these dipoles stack in a concerted structure that accentuates the regions. This robust crystal of water can behave like an electrical buffer, attaching to ions long enough to separate them and allow more stable water clusters to interact.

The effects are two-fold:

  • When a cell is unhealthy, only limited nutrients are able to penetrate the cell, and only partial waste (toxins) exit, leaving the cell lacking necessary nutrients and holding excess toxins.

  • When a cell is healthy, all necessary nutrients penetrate into the cell and all waste (toxins) leave the cell, keeping the cell healthy and functioning properly. A cell membrane’s job is to protect the cell from its surroundings. The cell membrane is selectively permeable and able to regulate what enters and exits the cell.

    Permeability depends mainly on the electrical charge and polarity of the molecule. If the cell membrane’s voltage potential is too low, the cell will not function correctly due to the permeability of the cell being compromised - resulting in insufficient nutrients entering through the cell walls and not enough waste (toxins) properly exiting the cell. This results in a toxic and unhealthy cell.

    Double Helix Water normalizes cell membrane voltage potential, which in return regulates proper cell function in regard to intaking nutrients and expelling toxins.

    Proper cell function helps unhealthy cells to become healthy again and work at their optimal level.

    It is all about nutrition and detoxification when it comes to the body’s approximately 73 trillion cells that require clean air, water, and essential nutrients. If nutrients don't get and toxins don't get out, there is literally no way to improve cellular health. That is why Double Helix Water can make a huge difference... it corrects the subtle energies of the body, enabling cells to become healthy.

    Who Ought To Be Consuming Double Helix Water?

    Easy answer - anyone who has been damaged by environmental toxins, surgeries, or accidents. Meridians are damaged by such things and repairing them will give the body the facility to function better once the stable water clusters repair or fill in the gaps of those damaged meridians.

    Double Helix Water Protocols of Use

    Easy answer - anyone who has been damaged by environmental toxins, surgeries, or accidents. Meridians are damaged by such things and repairing them will give the body the facility to function better once the stable water clusters repair or fill in the gaps of those damaged meridians.

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