Bion Plus (SS) Silver Ozone

Sale Price:$49.95 Original Price:$69.95

The ultimate, high-tech, immune system support product combining sub-nano silver and ozone in a less than nanometer diameter water cluster carrier substrate that ensures delivery to all cells of the body. Nothing equals its power to assist the immune system.

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The ultimate, high-tech, immune system support product combining sub-nano silver and ozone in a less than nanometer diameter water cluster carrier substrate that ensures delivery to all cells of the body. Nothing equals its power to assist the immune system.

The ultimate, high-tech, immune system support product combining sub-nano silver and ozone in a less than nanometer diameter water cluster carrier substrate that ensures delivery to all cells of the body. Nothing equals its power to assist the immune system.

Bion Plus (SS) is a Super-Saturated Ozone / Nano-silver Product!

This is the most powerful, silver ozone product on the market. Perhaps, no other product is more capable of assisting the human body's immune system to respond to and withstand pathogens!

Our third-generation Bion product consists of multiple ozone (tri-oxygen) molecules covalently bonded to silver atoms. Less than a nanometer in size, (which is many times smaller than many colloidal silver product particles) and with the additional benefit of bio-film-removing Ozone that has been covalently bonded to the silver atom, our newest sub-nano silver product is truly fabulous in its ability to help the body disrupt pathogenic organism replication. Bion was developed to provide broad-spectrum immune support while sparing intestinal (gut) flora. The effect on immune-strengthening exceeds what any other silver can do and exceeds what Ozone sauna can do. This product does not encourage microbial mutations. It doesn't matter whether those pathogens are man-made or natural viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. With BIon Plus (SS) in your medicine cabinet, you have extra help to help your body stay healthy in the face of contagion.

  • By covalently bonding multiple ozone molecules to nano-silver particles, the silver in our Bion Plus (SS) product chaperones the ozone molecules through the bloodstream to reach pathogens without weakening or diminishing any of its power on the way. Thus, with our BION plus product both of these pathogen-killing powerhouses are unleashed against any infectious organisms in the body.

  • In in-vitro testing done so far, no organisms (whether mycoplasmas, viruses, fungi, bacteria, or parasites) have been discovered that can withstand the power of covalently bonded ozone to silver atoms. That's why in helping one's immune system be better to respond to any contagion going around, we recommend that our BION product is an ideal immune-supportive product and, therefore, an ideal tool to have in one's medicine cabinet.

  • We believe that there is no more powerful immune support opportunity available than our latest generation BION product. We recommend daily use of a teaspoon or more, and increasing this amount temporarily if one's immune system is stressed by any type of infection.

Sub-Nano Silver

Developed by NASA to Keep Astronauts Safe

Our product began with a NASA program. NASA developed a "catalytic oxidation reactor" that was used to create unique oxygenated silver hydrosols for higher bioactivity rate and stability (AG4O4)

This process was improved to create AGO3 molecules that are sub-nano in size with even higher bioactivity and stability.

The Nano-sized silver and covalently bonded to ozone particles in Bion resulting from a proprietary adaptation of this technology are 4,000 times smaller than colloidal particles which can contain up to 45,000,000,000 atoms of silver. Whereas colloidal particles can be of 1,000 nm size and protrude from a water molecule, the silver-ozone particle is a single molecule — as little as .25 nm across and will not break out of the water molecule. This allows penetration of the human cell (via aqua-porins)in order to help the immune system in disabling pathogens within the cell.

When Bion Plus (SS) reaches a virus or other pathogen, it helps to disable its metabolic enzymes, leading to the death or non-reproduction of the pathogen. Pathogens cannot develop a resistance to silver, as they can with antibiotics.

Our tiny silver molecule will not build up in the body and cause Argyria as silver colloids possibly can.

Chaperoned Ozone

Ozone that Activates Only When in Contact with a Pathogen

Ozone is well-known for its ability to deactivate pathogens via oxidation. A current powerful treatment using Ozone is to withdraw some of a person's blood, mix it with ozone and put that ozonated blood back in the body so that the ozone can circulate through the bloodstream to deactivate pathogens. Other powerful treatments include "ozone saunas" where ozone enters the body through the skin.

Ozone on its own, however, has a very short-useful life as it rapidly evaporates out of water or disperses in the air, or oxidizes whatever it contacts (including nonpathogenic cells).

Bion Plus (SS) is a superior delivery method since Ozone is covalently bonded to (meaning sharing electrons with) silver. It is chaperoned through the bloodstream — circulating until reaching a pathogen where it is liberated from the silver (as the silver begins to assault a pathogen's DNA). In this way both the silver and the ozone are able to do damage to pathogens, hopefully bringing about their death. If you look at what Dr. Sunnen recommended for patients with flu-like viruses, it is to treat the whole blood with Ozone; but not everyone can get to or afford that technology. The BION Plus (SS) delivery system is far better and far less expensive.

Superior Water Substrate

Able to Enter Cells through Aqua-Porins

In addition to the double pathogen disrupting action coming from both the sub-nano silver and ozone, something else that really stands out in comparison to our silver product and any other competitor's products is the water substrate delivering the silver and ozone to the cells in our body. Aquaporins selectively conduct water molecules in and out of the cell, while preventing the passage of ions and other solutes. Our water delivery substrate is comprised of water particles less than a half nanometer and is immediately able to cross through these aquaporin water channels.

We accomplish this by bringing pure water to a higher coherent quantum state and maintaining it there through the manipulation of quantum thermodynamics. This type of quantum engineering is accomplished with a unique laser that actually produces a proprietary particle-wave running in the near-ultraviolet end of the spectrum. This laser has a higher degree of phase coherence (by a factor of 100) than a conventional EM laser no matter where the EM laser is running in the electromagnetic spectrum. The laser imposes coherence (structure) on the medium around and through a given volume of water and rotates energy out of the external surrounding area into the fundamental water molecules, thus determining the geometry and size of the water polyhedra. As entropy decreases water physically expresses this by reorganizing fundamental particles and structures to acquire a higher coherent quantum state. The molecular-based structures jump from the lower (more probable) state in mathematically predictable quantized stages with different crystalline shapes based on the bonding angle of hydrogen to the oxygen in the water molecule with larger bonding angles creating progressively smaller size water particles. This technology has the result of reducing thousand-nanometer size water clusters to less than one-half nanometer in diameter. The water cluster reduction is permanent at temperatures below boiling. The permanency is due to the laser treatment creating a high zeta potential which keeps particles separate by repulsion. We found absolutely no degradation for over 10 years. A Tyndall effect test shows that there is no clustering or settling.


The product is so stable that it has no expiration date, with a useful shelf life estimated to be at least 50 years.

Our Nanoparticles at 10ppm Ag3O3 are stable clear all the way up to 40 ppm. This is an impressive achievement due to the high frequencies we use to induce a high Zeta Potential.

Recommended Use

For any sinus, lung irritation, or bronchial situation, we recommend putting BION Plus (SS) into a nebulizer and breathing it for 15-minute sessions several times per day.

Also, taking BION Plus (SS) Ozone Silver directly into the mouth, holding for six seconds, and swallowing is a recommended way to consume. It doesn't need to be mixed in water, or other liquid, but can be if desired. Here are recommended amounts:

  • Normal immune boosting: 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per day (for 12-year-old to adult) and 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon for an infant or small child. We can recommend this dosing level as a daily habit for the rest of one's life - to ensure that one's immune system is functioning at its peak efficiency.

  • When people around you are sick: 1/2 to 1 teaspoon three times per day (for 12-year-old to adult) and 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon three times a day for an infant or small child.

  • When you feel an infection coming: 1 to 2 teaspoons three times per day (for 12-year-old to adult) and 1/2 to 1 teaspoon three times a day for an infant or small child.

  • When you already have a bad cold, flu, or infection: 1 tablespoon every two hours (for 12-year-old to adult) and 1 to two teaspoons every two hours (for an infant or small child).


Silver Hydrosols have been used and studied for over 25 years. Unlike silver ions or silver colloids, they are non-toxic, non-accumulative in the body, and have substantially more positive reports regarding their ability to help disrupt pathogens while doing no damage to natural tissues or probiotic organisms.

After a University of Wisconsin, research review showed silver hydrosols have low toxicity and high efficacy when used appropriately, the World Health Organization deemed that the establishment of a health-based guideline was not necessary — World Health Organization’s Guidelines for Silver in Drinking Water. For all types of silver, the EPA recommends limiting consumption of silver to less than 3 mg/kg/day. At this rate, a bottle a day of this product could be consumed for a lifetime without risk.

Ozone is naturally made in the body by the immune system and in the low concentrations (10 ppm) found in the BION product [can do nothing but good]. The silver and Ozone in Bion are immune support almost like having a secondary immune backup. They are easily eliminated from the body at a quick rate — 99% within the first 24 hours.

The pH of our BION Plus (SS) liquid is 7.1 meaning that it will have no impact on human pH.

There is the potential for Herxheimer reactions with any protocol to improve health or improve immune system functioning. So, it is recommended that the severely ill begin with smaller amounts and work up to larger amounts. This gives the body the time to eliminate any resulting toxins from the breakup of pathogens without undue stress. It is also recommended to increase hydration (water intake) to help eliminate toxins. Finally, it is recommended that people utilize probiotics in order to replace bad intestinal bacteria with good flora once the bad bacteria populations are reduced. A large portion of the population has harmful bacteria operating in place of the good bacterial flora.

Bion Plus (SS) Silver With Ozone- Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Big Deal About Bion Plus (SS) Super Saturated Ozone/Silver)?

BION SS is the most powerful immune help money can buy, 10 times more powerful than ordinary silver sols. It incorporates many unique capabilities and features, as follows:

1. Nano-silver

While silver colloids have particle sizes of up to 1,000 nm, the size of the Bion Plus particle is .25 nm, 4,000 times smaller. Even compared to the Silver Biotics hydrosol (10 nm) it is 25 times smaller. Its small size allows it to easily travel through aquaporins to enter all cells of the body to disable, weaken or help kill pathogens.

2. Covalently Bonded Ozone

Pathogens are unable to withstand the oxidizing power of Ozone. While scientists are actively developing anti-retroviral drugs that disable protease and renin (which enzymes are vital to virus replication), Ozone has always done this, and more effectively! When covalently bonded to silver, the ozone-silver molecule travels through the bloodstream intact (doing no damage to human or probiotic organism cells) traveling everywhere in the body until eventually reaching and disrupting harmful pathogens of all types with the silver reacting with and also releasing the ozone to further disrupt those pathogens. It's a lethal, disruption and pathogens are totally defenseless against it.

3. Ozone Removes Bio-Films

Bio-Film is a problem that results from anti-biotic use and pathogens that protect themselves by creating layers of protection so that neither antibiotics nor one's immune system can kill them. Ozone is a powerful bio-film remover... it simply burns the biofilm away.

Research and Science in Regard to Silver and Ozone

These are links to powerful articles representing the best thinking of scientists in regard to the application of silver and of Ozone to human health. Please note, however, that virtually no amount of research or testimonials is sufficient for anyone to make therapeutic claims. The body remains the curative agent with nutrition and supplements, including silver and ozone, being merely supportive to the body in regard to human health. Therefore, these links to scientific studies are presented merely as educational material. The titles of these articles are given by the researchers or organizations doing the studies and not by us.

Statement from Kent for during this time of heightened immune concerns:

No other product that I know of can provide greater support to one's immune system than this one. Personally, I strive to have a generally strong immune system, in the first place and stay away from people who might be sick. In my efforts to not spread pathogens to others, I engage in frequent hand-washing and consume a teaspoon of BION twice daily. Additionally, as a permanent practice, from November to April, I consume plenty of Vitamin D3, Iodine, Selenium, Zinc, B-Vitamins, etc., and try to sleep extra well so that my immune system can quickly destroy any pathogens that come my way. In so doing, I'm more likely to not succumb to any pathogen, viral or otherwise, nor be a carrier for spreading a pathogen to another. See our general immune boosting tips.

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