Beet Root Powder

from $29.00

Freeze-dried powder of organic beetroots. Delicious, heart-healthy, and nutritious. Each bag is approximately equal to 240 beets. Each teaspoon is approximately equal to 3 beets. Far better than eating beets from the store or your refrigerator.

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Freeze-dried powder of organic beetroots. Delicious, heart-healthy, and nutritious. Each bag is approximately equal to 240 beets. Each teaspoon is approximately equal to 3 beets. Far better than eating beets from the store or your refrigerator.

Freeze-dried powder of organic beetroots. Delicious, heart-healthy, and nutritious. Each bag is approximately equal to 240 beets. Each teaspoon is approximately equal to 3 beets. Far better than eating beets from the store or your refrigerator.

Far Superior to Fresh or Frozen Beets

Freshly picked beets, eaten within a few hours of being picked, are arguably one of the healthiest (if not the healthiest) foods on earth. Our beets are picked at the peak of ripeness and immediately processed. This increases the nutrient value by ten times compared to eating fresh beets from the store because, once they are picked, beets rapidly lose nutrient value.

We offer a superior beet product from progressive German farmers with the addition of a small amount of lyophilized young coconut milk to improve digestion. This is the most delicious and nutritious beetroot juice powder that we have ever offered.

  • We recommend taking one or two teaspoons of Organic Beet Root powder each day (each teaspoon is equivalent to 3 medium-sized beets).

  • Utilizing our beetroot powder is so much easier than picking or buying and preparing fresh beets — just put a teaspoon in a glass of liquid, stir and drink.

  • That means that our beetroot coconut powder is up to 200 times more nutrient-dense than what you could get from store-bought beets.

Our freeze-drying process begins with Organic, fresh (processed within hours of being picked) beets that are non-destructively juiced and, then, lyophilized (freeze-dried) immediately before any nutrient degradation can occur.

  • While most beetroot powder products suffer huge nutrient losses from delays after picking until processing followed by destructive drying processes... losing 90 plus percent of the nutrients that were originally put into the beets by mother nature, our product retains all of the mineral and photo-energy nutrients put into them by the sun and earth and also has the deep minerals and digestive boosting properties of young coconut milk.

  • We utilize beets from growers in Germany with unique, organic fertilization processes and beet varieties with the highest amounts of antioxidants, ensuring the highest quality nutrition available, and have established the processes to ensure no deterioration of nutrients. This is costly but well worth it.

  • While eating Beets is very healthy, drinking our lyophilized Beet Root Juice powder and young Coconut milk powder (mixed in water) is, actually, far better. It is the healthy habit of those who want their bodies to function at their best.

Our Beet Root Powder (with a little coconut) is the Best Beet Root Powder on the Market

Here's How to Use Beet Root Powder

  • You can add our beetroot powder to water or to any beverage. It makes that beverage both better tasting and far more nutritious.

  • It is better to add Beet Root Powder to liquid with a temperature that is less than 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Centigrade). Otherwise, some enzymes and nutrients will be deactivated.

  • If one could only afford one nutritional supplement, a strong argument could be made for Beet Root Extract being that one supplement. It is that nutritious!

Large Amounts of Dietary Nitrates in Beet Roots Make It Great for Cardiovascular Health

One of the most important characteristics (among many) of Beet Root is that it contains a large concentration of dietary nitrates.

Dietary nitrates have a number of good effects on the cardiovascular system including:

  • (and possibly most importantly) their conversion into Nitric Oxide, which is an important signaling and vasodilation molecule, which helps in maintaining normal blood pressure.

  • The dietary nitrates in Beet Roots also help alleviate some of the problems caused by overconsumption of salts (which is typical in modern diets of fast foods).

  • Studies done show that Beet Root supplementation is more than one hundred times as effective as adding potassium to the diet in regard to remedying excess sodium intake.


The Nutrients in Beet Root:

Beet Root is heavily endowed with:

  • Boron — Beetroot contains high amounts of boron which facilitates brain function, helps increase bone strength, helps prevent yeast infections, helps reduce blood sugar, helps prevent kidney stones and increases production of sex hormones. Beets were a popular aphrodisiac during the Roman era for this latter benefit.

  • Folate (vitamin B9) — One of the B vitamins, folate is important for normal tissue growth and cell function. It’s particularly necessary for pregnant women.

  • Fructans — short-chain carbs classified as FODMAPs, also found in garlic, leeks, artichokes, asparagus and onions.

  • Iron — an essential mineral, iron has many important functions in your body. It’s necessary for the transport of oxygen in red blood cells

  • Manganese — an essential trace element.

  • Nitrate — turns into nitric oxide. It is not the same as nitrates found in processed meats. Nitric Oxide has many important signaling and cardiovascular protective functions, including helping endothelial cells to relax (for lower blood pressure) and improving mitochondrial function (for more energy).

  • Potassium — a diet high in potassium can lead to reduced blood pressure levels and positive effects on heart health

  • Vitamin C — a well-known antioxidant, essential for skin health and immune function.

Many Health Benefits That May Be Gained From Beet Root Consumption:

There are many touted health benefits from eating Beet Roots (or drinking Beet Root Juice). Disclaimer: until more scientific research is done, all benefits described below should be considered to be folklore, anecdotal, and opinion. Further scientific research would need to be done to make health benefit claims. Nevertheless, the amount of interest and perceived benefits from Beet Root consumption is significant enough for everyone to consider adding Beet Root juice powder to their daily diet (especially since only one teaspoon provides the benefits of consuming three beets).

  • A primary health benefit of drinking Beet Root Juice may be in regard to maintaining normal blood pressure, both diastolic and systolic. Studies show that just 8 ounces (or one teaspoon of our Beet Root Juice powder) effectively helps to maintain normal blood pressure. This is because the nitrates in beetroots help to widen and relax blood vessels.

  • Eating Beet Roots or drinking its juice (or powdered juice) helps increase energy and boost physical performance.

  • Drinking Beet Root juice supports the liver. In fact, it is great for helping reduce the duration of hangovers after drinking alcohol. That's because Betacyanin, the pigment molecule that gives beetroot its color, is an antioxidant, so the humble beetroot could be the key to beating your hangover. Betacyanin speeds up detoxification in your liver, which enables your body to turn the alcohol into a less harmful substance that can be excreted quicker than normal.

  • Beet Root contains betaine, a substance that relaxes the mind, and tryptophan (like Chocolate) that contributes to a sense of well-being.

The above are some of the more commonly reported, as quickly attained benefits from drinking Beet Root juice (or in this case adding a teaspoon of Organic Beet Root Juice powder to any beverage). In general, it is safe to say that it is a nourishing food that may help virtually all aspects of human health by providing the body with nutrients (which are tools) that the body can use to improve its function.


Beet Root - Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is Beet Root Juice Powder Better than Real Beets or Beet Juice Made From Beets In Your Refrigerator?

First, it is so much easier to stir a teaspoon of beetroot powder in water or juice and drink it compared to eating beets.

And, secondly, the beets from the store or your refrigerator have lost most of their nutritional value while our freeze-dried powder retains all the nutritional goodness that mother nature put in them.

  • Beets start losing their nutritional value as soon as they are picked.

  • Stored, in the fridge with the green leaves still attached, freshly picked beets start to lose most of their nutritional potency after only a few days.

  • Beets will last a week longer if the green leaves are removed before storing them in the fridge.

  • Outside the refrigerator beetroots last even less time. Unfortunately, that means that beets you buy at the store may have already lost a considerable amount of their nutritional value even before you buy them depending on how long they stay in the store before being sold.

  • Contrastingly, the Beets from which our Organic Beet Root Juice powder is made are picked at the peak of ripeness and immediately lyophilized (freeze-dried), which locks the nutrition in, and the powder keeps full nutritional potency for up to three years or more after packaging.

Why Do We Add Coconut Milk to Our Beet Root Juice?

  • The synergistic effect of the medium-chain fatty acids in coconuts hydrochloric acid in beets improves the digestion significantly, including the digestion of other foods eaten with beet and coconut juice. Even further, absorption of the nitrates of beets and caprylic acid of coconuts is also increased manifold with this combination. So, with this combination, all the great benefits of both that have been only partially been absorbable until now, are fully accessible with the combination of beet juice and coconut milk.

  • With coconut, the taste is quite improved.

Beet Root Facts

  • The beetroot is the taproot portion of the beet plant, usually known in North America as the beet, also table beet, garden beet or red beet. Other than being eaten as food, beetroots have traditionally been used as a food coloring and as a medicinal plant.

  • Raw beetroot is 88% water, 10% carbohydrates, 2% protein, and less than 1% fat.

  • Beetroots have a glycemic index (GI) score of 61, which is considered medium. The GI is a measure of how fast blood sugar levels rise after a meal. On the other hand, the glycemic load (GL) of beetroots is only 5, which is very low. The GL is a measure of the total rise in blood sugar that will occur over time. This means that beetroots should not have a major effect on blood sugar levels since the total carb amount in each serving is so low.

  • The heaviest beetroot ever grown weighed 51.48 pounds (23.4 kg).

What is the Traditional Uses of Beet Roots?

  • Leaves of Beet Roots were used anciently to bind wounds.

  • Beet Root was a popular mouth wash to kill the odor of Garlic.

  • Beet Root was used as a dye.

  • Beet Root was used by ancient alchemists, who lacked modern-day litmus paper, to determine the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. One drop of beetroot changes a liquid to pink if it was an acid, while one drop of beetroot would change an alkaline liquid to yellow.

Are There Any Side-Effects From Drinking Beet Root Juice?

Drinking beetroot juice regularly can affect the color of urine and feces in some people due to the natural pigments in beets. People may notice pink or purple urine and pink or purple feces.

Is It Okay to Add a Sweetener or Other Juice to Beet Root Juice?

Absolutely, yes! Drink it straight or doctor it up!

Feel free to add Monk Fruit, Stevia, Xylitol, Cranberry Juice, Grape Juice, etc. — whatever, you would like. Or mix our Beet Root Juice Powder in any protein shake or nutritional shake.

Other Internet Resources and Web Sites Regarding the Benefits of Consuming Beets and Beet Root Juice:

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